Saturday, March 16, 2019

Policies In Atlantic Canada :: essays research papers

From the purpose of early contact from 1534-1736 it was think that Indian religion was useless and in that respectfor didnot pose an stay in the process of convertingIndians to Christianity. The process of conversion includeda period of persuasion and instruction followed by baptism.The French missions were successful in areas where therewas permanent Aboriginal settlement. These effortsinfluenced all areas of social policy especially the flavor thatall Aboriginals should be converted to Christianity. Theperiod of the Royal Proclamation from 1783-1839 was aresult of British Military policy that recognized theimportance of beginning farming allies in the victory over France.In 1755 during the initial stages of the war, the Britishdeveloped an Indian department with a completesuerintendent of Indian Affairs. This was not successful inpreventing colonists from appropriating inaugural Nation land.When Britain was successful in the war with France,France ceded most of its North Ame rican territory and the root Nations were not satisfied being under British get hold.This led to Pontiacs disintegration where several British fortswere captured. The Royal Proclamation was es moveiallydrafted on the advice of the village concerning measures toreconcile with First Nations. It was the first constitutionunder British rule that recognized that the territory outsideof the colonial boundaries was reserved as pursuit groundsfor First Nations. The Royal Proclamation was the legalbase for British-Indian policy. The modulation of the RoyalProclamation into Canadian social policy occurred whencolonial correspondents indicated that First Nations werenot longer military allies. Colonial policies were changed byan administration aimed at civilizing First Nations way oflife. Of particular importance was the schooling of FirstNation children. Gifts that were originally used tocompensate for land surrendered to the British were nowconditional on the basis of whether or not Firs t Nationparents sent their kids to school. Those parents who didnot abide by this rule were subject to criminal charges.

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